I have included here coins of Russia's opponents and conquests from the Middle Agents to the Civil War.
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Russian Frontier coins page 2
Annexed by Russia in 1552
Mordva, AR, fine-holed, Cartouche?, before 1552
rev. Cyrillic Inscription
2-Mordva, AE, fine-holed, Cartouche?, before 1552
rev. Cyrillic Inscription
A Catholic order set upon converting Russia by conquest was defeated by Alexander Nevsky in 1242.
Paul von Russdorf, AR schilling, afine, Shield with eagle, +MagsToPaulusPrim, 1422-1441
rev. Cross through shield, +MonetaDNorumPruj (Gdansk)
Livonian knights sought to convert the Baltics and were allied with the Teutonic knights and also defeated by Alexander Nevsky (1242) and Ivan IV (1561)
Bern von der Borg, AR schilling, fine, Shield with cross,MagistriLivonie,1471-1481
rev. Cross, MonetaRevali (Reval)
A frontier kingdom in modern Romania, Moldavia fought off the Tartars, Ottomans, and Russia.
Alexander Bun, AE, vgood, Bull head with star above, 1400-1432
rev. Shield
Emirate of Bukhara is an ancient part of modern Uzbekistan that became a Russian protectorate in 1868 and part of Soviet Uzbekistan in 1924.
The Khanate of Khiva successfully fought off Peter the Great and became a Russian protectorate in 1873 and part of the Soviet Republic of Khorezm in 1924.
A Russian protectorate, then occupied off and on from 1768-1857.
Moldavia & Wallachia, C, vgood, crest, MohMoldVGaloch, 1768-1774
rev. 2 PAPA KOPbEKb in square, Spl74:1
Moldavia & Wallachia, C, vgood, crest, MohMoldVGaloch, 1768-1774
rev. 2 PAPA KOPbEKb in square, Spl74:1
Nasrullah, AR, afine, Inscription, 1826-1860
rev. Inscription, 1858, C#72
Muzaffar al-Din, AR, afine, Inscription, 1860-1885
rev. Inscription, 1878, C#91
Muzaffar al-Din, AR, afine, Inscription, 1860-1885
rev. Inscription, 1883, C#91
Sayyid Abdul Ahad, AR, fine, Inscription, 1885-1911
rev. Inscription, 1886, Y#2
Bukhara, AE, fine, 1 tenga
rev. Stars, dotted border, 1918, Y#6a
2-Bukhara, AE, 1 tenga, fine, Arabic, 1918
rev. Stars, dotted border, 1918, KM#46.2
Bukhara, AE, fine, Arabic inscription, 2 Tenga
rev. Star, Arabic inscription, 1918, KM#47
Bukhara, AE, good, 3 Tenga, Stars, Arabic inscription
rev. Greek meander border, Arabic inscription,1918, KM#48
Bukhara, AE, fine, 10 tenga, Arabic inscription
rev. Arabic in squares, 1918, KM#53
Sayid Muhammad Khari, AE falus, vgood, Arabic, 1856-1865
rev. Arabic, Y#1
Sayid Muhammad V, AE falus, afine, Arabic, 1865-1910
rev. Arabic, Y#3
Khiva, C, fine, 2 ½ tenga, Arabic with star, 1918
rev. inscription, 1337=1918, Y#9.2
2-Khiva, AE, afine, good, 5 Tenga, Sun above inscription
rev. inscription, 1918, Y#10.1,3
Khiva.(Khwarezm) AE, vfine, inscription
rev. 25 rubles, 1918, 8 pointed star, crest, Y#16
Russia conquered Swedish Livonia in 1721 and added Polish Livonia in 1772. Livonia was split between Estonia and Latvia at the end of WWI.
Livonia, AR-4kopecks, good-holed, Livonia & Estonia crests, LivoEsthoRiga1757
rev. Imperial Eagle, MONETA KM#2
Mordva, AE, fine, mounted knight, before 1552
rev. Cyrillic Inscription