Andronicus II & Michael IX, AE assarion, fine, A.& M. with labarum,1295-1320 rev. Christ  with cross, KVPIE CWCON TAC BACILEIC,S2436, 21mm
Andronicus II and Michael IX, AE trachy, vfine, A.& M. with long circled cross,1295-1320 rev. circle & bar across,S2458, 22mm
Andronicus II & Michael IX,AE trachy, fine-clipped, A.& M. with fleur-de-lis,1295-1320
rev. Paleaologan monogram,S2459, 20mm
Andronicus II & III, AV-clipped, fine,Virgin in city walls,1295-1334 rev. A. II & A. III kneel, blessed by Christ, S2461, 20mm
3-Andronicus III, AE assarion, A. with cruciform scepter, 1329-1341 rev. cross fleury, S2481(n), 18mm, 19mm , 22mm
Andronicus III, AE trachy, Bust of St. Demetrius,1329-1341
rev.Archangel Michael crowns A. holds 2 patriarchal crosses,S2482, 21mm
Andronicus III, AE trachy, Bust of St. Demetrius,1329-1341
rev.Archangel Michael crowns A. holds 2 patriarchal crosses,S2482, 24mm
Andronicus III, AE trachy, Bust of St. Demetrius,1329-1341
rev.Archangel Michael crowns A. holds 2 patriarchal crosses,S2482, 24mm
John V, AE assarion, vgood, St. Demetrius standing,1351-1369
rev. J. standing holding circled cross and model of city, S2525, 22mm
John V & Anna of Savoy, AV fine-broken, hyperpyron, A&J facing,1341-1391
rev. Andronicus III kneeling before Christ,S2466, 25mm
Manuel II, AE follaro, vfine, Christ in mandala, 1391-1425
rev. Emperor standing with scepter,S2560, 17mm
John VIII, AR 1/2 hyperpyron, fine, bust of Christ,1423-1448 rev. bust J. IwancDecpothcOpaaeoLogoc, S2554, 25mm
Byzantine seal, PB20, lead, afine, Christ radiate, 9th-11th
rev. ck,s
pto,chmo,ainu,ai and saint, 20mm
Byzantine seal, PB16, fine, Virgin nimbate with Christ & crosses, 9th-11th
rev. monogram-H.
P.M. C, 16mm
Byzantine Seal, PB20, afine, 4 apostles-bull, angel, eagle, lion
rev. legend, 20mm
Manuel I, AR asper, fine, St. Eugenius stands, OaGi/EuGeni,1238-1263 rev. Manuel standing, MNL/OKH,S2601, 23mm
John II,AR asper,vfine, St. Eugenius stand, long cross, AEV/GENIOC,1280-1297 rev. J. stands with labarum,cross IWOKOMN-NOC,S2609, 26mm
Alexius II, AR 1/2 asper, fine, St. Eugenius mounted, 1297-1330 rev. Alexius mounted, B, 14mm
Alexius III, AE 21, afine, Mounted St. Eugenius, 1349-1390
rev. Cross ending with omega (w), IC-XC, cf. S2628/29, 21mm
Manuel III, AE type 2, vgood, emperor enthroned, 1390-1417
rev. cross pattee, 16mm
Alexius IV, AR asper, vfine, St. Eugenius on horse, 1417-1446, rev. A. on horse, S2641, 17mm
John V, AR asper, fine, St. Eugenius mounted, 1446-1458
rev. J. on horseback, S2642, 15mm
Arab-Byzantine, AE follis, fine, standing caliph, 690-696
rev. trophy on steps, inscription, Walker 106, 19mm
Arab Byzantine, AE follis, fine, standing caliph, 690-696
rev. trophy on steps, inscription, 20mm
Arab Byzantine, AE follis, afine, standing caliph, 690-696
rev. trophy on steps, inscription, Walker 106 (Aleppo), 27mm
Arab-Byzantine, AE follis, fine, Emperor, stands with scepter & globed cross, legend rev. M, crossed swords? below, 24mm
Arab-Byzantine, AE follis, fine, Emperor stands with scepter & globed cross, legend
rev. M, 23mm
Arab-Byzantine,AE follis,fine,Emperor bust facing,globed cross NLAK rev. Arabic left,7-8th,r.M,OUIV right, NNI left,Arabic, 20mm
Arab-Byzantine, AE 1/4 follis, afine, Standing emperor, After 656 AD rev. M, 27mm
Anatolian Imitation, AE 22,vgood, Christ nimbus stands, 8th AD rev. 2 figures, cross between, 22mm
Arab imitation, AE follis, vfine, Bust of X facing, 12thC
rev. doubled cross, blundered legend, copy of Class B follis, 27mm
Jazira, Mardin (Artuqid?), AE, Class I follis, good, Christ facing,12th rev. Latin cross, lilah counter stamp, 24mm


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